Jan 31, 2017 | A&E, Cancer & Oncology, Clinical Negligence, Drug & Medication Errors, Medical Emergencies, Medical Negligence
What are your Nerves: Your nervous system is also responsible for nearly all actions of your body. The nervous system controls your pain and pleasure, your movement as well as all involuntary movements that go on behind the scenes. You have nerves all over your body....
Nov 21, 2016 | A&E, Cancer & Oncology, Clinical Negligence, GP Claims, Medical Emergencies, Medical Negligence, Misdiagnosis
Medical professionals do a fantastic job of helping people in their time of need, providing expert advice and treatment to prevent injury or illness and to help with their recovery. However, medical professionals, such as GPs and nurses, are not immune from making...
Nov 21, 2016 | Cancer & Oncology, Clinical Negligence, Medical Negligence, Misdiagnosis
At one time, a diagnosis of cancer was considered a death sentence, but nowadays many cancers can be treated successfully, particularly if they are discovered in the early stages of the disease. On the whole, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the greater the chance...